Joseph at Sight and Sound Theater Review

Sight and Sound Theater

 After Level 2, we headed east to the Sight and Sound Theater to see Joseph.  What an incredible theater.  It is beautiful as you can see from the pictures, though pictures never do justice.  I didn't realize that it was a Christian Theater.  Everything they do there is Christian based.  Since we were late getting there due to the mechanical arm problem in the Hilton Parking Garage, we didn't get to speak with the manager.  But I did speak with some of the employees.

They shared that they don't claim a denomination, they only claim the love of Christ.  I found out that the man who started the Sight and Sound theaters is still living, but has passed the business on to his son in laws, who are doing a remarkable job if you ask me!  They do productions of Noah, the Christmas Story, The Beginning, Jonah, etc.  I was super excited to see Joseph as I had heard great things.  We missed the opening, but not much.  We were only 10 minutes late, so it wasn't too bad.  And once again, we had prime seats!  Can't complain there either!

We couldn't take pictures during the performance, but here are some pictures of the inside of this breathtaking theater.

Do you know who this is???  Goliath!!

If you know my sister and will know that we like to shop.  And boy....they had an amazing gift shop.  I could have been there for hours.  But it was late, and the employees had a long day.  So we decided we would go back the next day...which we did....and we spent...and spent....and spent.  But we got our families and ourselves some really nice things!  I was happy we went back and got some presents!

The actual presentation was spectacular!  The costumes were grand, the actors and actresses were spot on.  It was amazing and one of the highlights of my trip!  It followed the storyline of Joseph almost perfectly, with only some embellishment in it to make the story more relatable...but the facts were all there and those were NOT embellished.

At the end, I was impressed that they offered the audience an opportunity to pray with staff members up front if they had not prayed yet to receive Christ and after hearing the story of Joseph, would like to...or even if they just had questions.  I thought that was really neat.

This was an incredible opportunity and experience to see, and I would recommend it to families in a heartbeat!
Be sure to like them on facebook!

*I was given no compensation for this post, only tickets to see the production and give my honest opinion*


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