Monster Jam Review....WOW! And BIG savings for the April Lincoln Show
What more can I say but...."WOW"! This was my families first trip to Monster Jam. All 6 of us, including my husband have never been to a Monster Jam show....until this last week. I honestly didn't know what to expect. I had looked on line a little I knew there were big trucks! My friend told me to bring the kids earplugs. So I planned on that.
(My favorite truck!)
The night came....and I loaded up my purse with 6 pairs of earplugs and my camera. I didn't figure Jeff and I would need them....but brought them in case one of the kids dropped a pair of theirs. It was a chilly 12 degrees outside....possibly colder by the time we got down there and got our seats.
I got to meet my contact from Feld Entertainment which was very nice. I like to put a face with the voice when I talk with them on the phone all the time! Feld Entertainment handles the Disney Lives, Monster Jams, Disney on Ice, and more.
We had great seats. We were close to their "parking lot" and where they would be doing their donuts! The videos I had watched on YouTube didn't NOTHING for their actual size in person! They are HUGE! Unbelievable!
Then....they ALL turned on their engines and REVVED them at THE SAME TIME!!! And drove around the track. There were 7 or 8 of them. Immediately I turned to my husband and mouthed "I am going to have a headache." It was so loud that the chairs were vibrating! It took the song, "Lets Get Ready to Rumble", to a WHOLE new level! Thankfully I had already filled my kids' ears with ear plugs. My youngest had a hard time keeping his in though, in retrospect, I wish I would have gotten him headphones instead.
They had a nice performance of The Star Spangled Banner, and were very patriotic and military friendly. They made sure to have active Military people stand, and then Veterans. It was a nice scene to see.
The air that these trucks got were amazing! They have got to be super light! I loved looking at the mechanics of them....from afar anyway. It is really nothing but a cage for the driver and the engine....the outer shell is very light....just for show.
Here is my little guy....
Then there was Monster Mutt! The tongue actually went in and out. I thought it was SO cute...then to find out that it was driven by a GIRL! Even cooler!!! My daughter thought that was SO neat!!!
I must say though...Iron Man was my absolute favorite! LOVE the truck design! And look at the air he could get!!!!
There wasn't a child in the arena that I saw without some sort of ear protection! That was a good thing! Like I said, I had ear plugs in and it was STILL crazy loud! Almost painfully so. I can't imagine not having my ears plugged for the whole time!
This is El Torro Loco was my husbands favorite! Here is a picture of him BEFORE:
And a picture of him AFTER:
He was out the rest of the night.
We even had Mini Motor Bikes show us their stuff! The yellow was for Iowa and the red was for Nebraska! They did two races throughout the night and they each won once! Its now that I should mention...the first time the tractors had to come in and pull a truck out....which was fairly early on, they opened the garages. It got very breezy and cool in there. I assumed they would close the doors/garages....but they did not. My husband had to remind me that they had to leave them open because of exhaust fumes. Makes sense....but golly...I wish I would have known that before I went. I would have worn a hat and a couple more layers for all of us. We were POPSICLES when we left! It was warmer in the bathrooms!
Here is MaKenna trying to keep warm before she finally gave in and put her coat back on. She had a decent time....but she thought it was sooo loud. The highlight of her night came though when she got to meet and have her picture taken with the Monster Mutt female driver!!! That picture is further below.
Cam wasn't so into it. He has never really liked loud noises....and things like that just don't get him excited.
Major just complained of the noise. But he enjoyed it when the trucks flipped over, or lost tires.
Jake really enjoyed it. He had his ear plugs in....his hat on...and he clasped his hands over his ears the whole time...but that was all it took for him to completely enjoy it!
Later a Jet Propelled Car came out. It was like an itty bitty electric car with a huge exhaust pipe that shot fire out! We enjoyed the fire because we got bursts of heat!!! But it was even louder than the trucks if that is EVEN possible!!! It was CRAZY! You can't see the car...but it is in front of that fire ball! I am not sure I would want to be in that vehicle!
There were also BMX stunt riders there! That was fun for the boys because they used to race BMX bikes. They never did stunts though. Fox Sports had a stand there too. I am not sure that they were ACTUALLY there....but it was something that the presenters showed to highlight the awards Monster Truck shows that they have in Las Vegas.
Then it was time for the Free Style time! And a bone is what enticed Monster Mutt out!!
That is when she came up to the stands and met Ms. MaKenna!
We can't forget Iron Man! He's a BEAST!!!!
Thankful to Feld Entertainment for allowing us to check it out and blog it out to you guys. It is an experience that everyone must see at least once! Then you can decide if you are a fan or not! I am a fan! Not so much for my 14 year old...which seems weird...but I think everyone else is pretty much a fan. Especially my daughter!
Some things to remember when you go to a Monster Jam show IN THE WINTER in the MIDWEST:
1) Dress warmly...super warmly
2) Have Earplugs or Headphones for each member of the family
3) Go early enough to buy tickets, or go to Will Call and find your seats. They do start with the patriotic show prior to their actual stated start time.
Finally....if you missed the show in Omaha, FEAR NOT! You can reach the show in Lincoln!!!! April 11th and 12th, Monster Jam will be at the Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln. Friday at 7:30 and Saturday at 2 and 7:30!
Nebraska Hockey Mom readers will get $8 off on all adult tickets by going to and entering the code MJAM14! This offer expires 1/11/14, so don't delay!
Most of the Nebraska Hockey Mom family will be there! Let me know if you get your tickets!!!!
*I was not compensated for this post, only given free tickets to the show to check it out in exchange for my honest opinion.*
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