For Every Season by Cindy Woodsmall, Book Review

For Every Season by Cindy Woodsmall, is the third book in the Amish Vines and Orchards series.

You can purchase it at Amazon or your local book retailer.

Book Description

 August 20, 2013
Working hard to develop a new Amish community outside of Unity, Maine, Rhoda Byler is fully committed to rehabilitating an orchard with business partner Samuel King. But an impulsive decision has created an unexpected strain in her relationship with her beau, Samuel’s brother, Jacob, threatening plans for the orchard. Amidst mounting tension in matters of the heart and business, Rhoda finds that this fledging settlement feels like the home she has always longed for, and she begins to embrace the God-given, heightened intuition that has always felt like a burden to her. She longs for Jacob to fully be free of his past, so they can work towards the future together.

But as Rhoda uses her gift to unpack an old secret with her Englisch neighbors, it is not her beau but an unlikely ally that cheers her on. With the orchard on shaky ground and Jacob’s plans in question, Rhoda is determined to see things through to harvest. But can she trust her insight to direct her path in matters of the heart?

Cindy Woodsmall has surprised me time and time again.  I have read several of her books and I am swept away into each of them.  Just when I think she can't get any better, she comes out with another book.

These series has been no different.  The Amish Vines and Orchards book have gripped me.  I've been losing sleep so that I could stay up to read...."just one more chapter."  :-)  Some of her other series' are, "Sisters of the Quilt"....very good.....and "Ada's House"....also very good!  When you pick up her books, she has a special way of capturing you and taking you into the book with her!  This book, book 3 in the Amish Vines and Orchards series, "For Every Season", was absolutely  no different.  I felt pain, compassion, love, conflicting feelings.....I went through just about every feeling with this book.  AND....there is ANOTHER book in this series coming out in April!  I am beyond excited...and not sure how I will bide my time while I wait!!  :-)

If you have never read any Cindy Woodsmall books, I would highly recommend it.  Start on the Amish Vines and Orchards series.  Or any of the series...but this one is fresh in my mind.  It has a great storyline of love and loss and love again.  It is a great reminder of following God's plan for our lives even if we don't like the direction He is taking us in.

You are sure to enjoy this beautifully written book!

If you've read it or any other book by Cindy Woodsmall, comment below and let me know what you thought!


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