Ellore Femme, Hair Chalk Review

Ellore Femme, has a 24 piece hair chalk product that is AWESOME!
We have tried different kinds before. Like 5 different types, brands, etc. NOTHING has been as good as the Ellore Femme product! NOTHING! It shows up in my daughters hair so 
nicely and doesn't leave a nasty residue like some of the others have.  A couple of the others wouldn't even show up in my daughters hair because she has darker hair....her friend who 
has black hair could never get it to show in her hair...until now.  We were SO excited to be 
able to see it!  My daughter uses a different color in her hair every day depending on what 
she is wearing for the day!  It washes out well too.  She enjoys seeing the colorful shampoo 
in her hair when she washes it out!  It also doesn't seem to rub off on her clothes.  It can 
make the bathroom a little messy...but only when she is doing it....after all, she is only 9.  
Otherwise, I have NO complaints about it at all!  It is truly AWESOME!

FIRST, the directions:

1. Wet your hair.
2. Rub in your preferred Color(s)
3. Allow hair to air dry or use a straightening iron.
IMPORTANT: Avoid eye contact. Avoid digestion. If contact or digestion occurs, rinse thoroughly with clean water and seek medical attention. Keep away from young children. Recommended ages 8 and up. Use of gloves is recommended in application. No danger to skin or hair. Hair chalk may break into multiple pieces during use, transport and/or changes in temperature. You may continue to use broken hair chalk as normal.
NOW the pictures!
Here is my silly son!  They were having so much fun with it!

As you can see in the below picture, he did get some on his skin....but it rinsed right off.

NOW my daughter.

NOW putting it in my daughters friends hair!
If you look in the lower right hand corner of the picture, you can see the chalk and how they are
transported.  See all the different colors?
See how nicely it is showing up?  The other chalks we have used NEVER showed up in her hair.

TOTALLY worth it!  It is so true that there are just some things you can't cut corners on....financially in this case....don't go for the cheaper hair chalks...because they are not near as nice as these.  And honestly the cost is not that bad for all of the chalk you get and it seems to go a long way.  You can get this 24 color hair chalk kit for $45.  So worth it to me!  My daughter and her friends have a blast with it!

*I was given the chalk to try out and give my honest opinion.  No money was exchanged.*


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