Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Campaign

The Allstate’s Foundation Purple Purse Campaign!  Go to, to pass a Virtual Purple Purse and learn more about the campaign.

·         October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Did you know that domestic violence affects one in four women in their lifetime? That's more women than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer combined.  The statistics are staggering, only about half of Americans say they would know how to help a victim of domestic violence.

There's no doubt that domestic violence is difficult to talk about, but with October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month, our friends at The Allstate Foundation are helping to give a voice to this issue with the Purple Purse campaign. Purple Purse, The Allstate Foundation's symbol for domestic violence, proudly represents a woman's way to escape the cycle of abuse by gaining financial independence.  Now in its third year, The Allstate Foundation's Purple Purse campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs designed at assisting survivors of domestic violence and other women in need.
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Allstate Foundation is sending more than 1,000 purses carrying domestic violence information throughout the country. The purses will be passed between co-workers, friends, and family, sparking important conversations along the way.  For every purple purse passed through the end of October, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to YWCA. You can even pass a virtual purple purse by logging onto (A Spanish-language site is available at Each time a virtual purple purse is shared or re-shared, The Allstate Foundation will make a $5 donation to YWCA. 

"Disclosure: " This post is part of a sponsored campaign with The Allstate Foundation and MomSelect. All thoughts and opinions are my own."


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