Grand REopening Bellevue Dance Academy with KID FRIENDLY Zumba!!!


Bellevue Dance Academy offers kid-friendly Zumba classes. Bring your kid, don't bring your kid! It's up to you. No daycare fees are necessary. Your child can play with toys in the comfortable waiting area or come in and shake it with you!

Instead of paying high dollar for gym memberships that don't always included classes, drop into Bellevue Dance Academy and try a Zumba class for only $4!

Love it? Then your first class fee is on BDA when you buy a punch card after your first class.

Pay $32 for a 10 class punch card, but the first one was FREE. . .so that's 11 classes for only $32!

There are plenty of chances each week to dance and burn calories!

Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Thursdays from 6:45 p.m.-7:45 p.m.
Saturdays from 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.

On March 18, BDA is having a Grand Reopening of Kid-Friendly Zumba!  They are celebrating with KMTV "Up Front at 4" who will be showcasing the 9 a.m. class on Tuesday, March 18 and coming back for a live broadcast at 4.

What a great time to try your first Zumba class!

Camera shy? Come check BDA before the Grand Reopening!

RSVP for the March 18 event at BDA! See you there!

Bellevue Dance Academy is located at
11800 S. 25th Street
Just south of HWY 370 on 25th Street

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