
Showing posts from July, 2013

Purex Fabric Softener Sheets Review and GIVEAWAY!!!

Purex Fabric Softener Sheets Review and Giveaway! I was given the opportunity to review  Purex  Fabric Softener Sheets!  I have to say, when I was younger, and broker, I never used Softener Sheets because I felt like it was just a frivolous act.  I didn't see the need.  As long as my clothes were clean, I didn't feel I needed them.  But as I got older and realized that #1....with boys in the house, my clothes need to be fresh.  Simply washing them doesn't always give them the freshness I desire.  My towels get this dingy smell even when I've washed them in my favorite Purex detergent.  Also, in the winter here in the midwest, static electricity is bad.  These Fabric Softener Sheets really help with that too.  My clothes and towels are also so much softer and manageable.  I hadn't found sheets that I REALLY liked, until these.  I happen to really love the Mountain Breeze one.  I've never been a big fan of Lavender...

Child Protect By DNA Test

Help us keep the next generation of kids more safe than the last generation! This new technology is designed to help law enforcement keep kids safe!  When we grew up 30 years ago, we all had our fingerprints taken to keep us safe.   Now technology has evolved where we can collect our GENETIC FINGERPRINT with just a simple cheek swab. This is not kept in a database, but is kept solely by you.   In the case of an emergency, you can provide this profile to law enforcement who can compare it to DNA at a crime scene and speed up the process to bring your child back safely.  Be completely prepared to protect your child! Here is what US Family Guide Bloggers Say about CHILDPROTECT by DNA ā€œI do not want to ever think that something could happen, but if it did I now have something that will  save time in finding her .  It was super easy to do.  The instructions were simple enough, and discreet."  Rich in San Diego ...

Last Two Days in Estes Park, CO

We decided to stay two more unexpected days in Estes Park.  We just couldn't help ourselves.  There is SOOOO much to do there, and honestly 4 days just didn't seem like enough.  I didn't go anywhere knew though, so I have no featured posts to make....but I will tell you that I am being 100% honest when I say, there is SO much to do there.  Things that cost money, and things that don't cost money, things that could cost money, and things that never cost money.  Yes....Estes Park CAN BE expensive....but if you play your cards right, it doesn't have to be.  Lodging will always be a bit more up there....but honestly, as long as you have a week pass into the Rocky Mountain National Park, you don't need much more...well...other than gas or food, but you don't have to do things that cost money.  If you aren't into hiking, biking, fishing, scenery, etc...then yes, you will spend a little bit of money doing the other things we did...the jeep tours, horseback r...

Guest Post by Heather Von St. James, Mesothelioma Survivor

Today we have a little change of pace.  I have a guest post written by Mesothelioma Survivor Heather Von St. James.   Be sure to visit her website at Let Heather and I know your thoughts in the comments section.  As someone who lost a mother to Breast Cancer, Heathers story is incredible to me.  I am interested in your thoughts too.  Pay Heather a visit and write her something encouraging in the comments of her or my blog. - Hugs and blessings, Tonya, Nebraska Hockey Mom Motherhood and Mesothelioma As soon as I learned I was pregnant, I began preparing for motherhood in order to avoid any surprises. I read books, ate healthy foods, and saw my doctor on a regular basis. During the day, I planned out how I would spend my time with my new baby. In a sense, my life already revolved around my baby. When I saw my daughter for the first time nine months later, I felt as if I were the luckiest pe...

Estes Park Day Four, Featuring, Cowpoke Corral, Rocky Mountain Gateway Restaurant, Dorothy's Catering and Green Jeep Tours!

What a fun and exciting...yet tiring, day we had today!!  This whole week has been SO jam packed with things to do!  I can't see how anyone can take a mere four days to spend here.  There is just TOO much!  So...we are hoping that someone will have room tomorrow night too!  Just ONE more day......actually I could spend a lot more than one more day, but since we're here....  :-) The day started with us going to Lake Estes and renting a pontoon boat at the Lake Estes Marina .  They are very helpful there.  We've gone to the lake everyday since it is right across the street from our hotel, and everyday we've been in the marina for something or other, and they've always been super friendly!  Anyway, we rented a pontoon boat for an hour.  The adults and older child would have liked to have gone longer....but the younger ones, an hour was more than enough.  No fish...not even a bite...but they all had fun just trolling around the lak...

July is National Park and Recreation Month!!!

July is national Park and Recreation Month and your local parks are encouraging everyone to come out this month and experience all the wonderful aspects of parks and recreation.  Nationwide, recreation departments have organized events and activities to help families spend quality time together, enjoy nature and get active. This provides a great opportunity to not only make the most of the beautiful weather, but also to take a stand against the obesity epidemic and technology trends that consistently keep more kids indoors and living less active lifestyles. As part of Park and Recreation Month, the National Recreation and Park Association is encouraging everyone to show the love for local parks and recreation and wants everyone to answer the question, "I Love my Parks and Recreation Because..." They have a fill in the blank social media poster that can be filled in and shared, and a fun month-long weekly photo contest that encourages everyone to  show and share the LOVE...

Pictures from the first 2 days at Estes Park....I got my computer working now!!!

I had some trouble uploading pictures over the last few here are some now!  Enjoy!! Our hotel and view.  We had to stop and visit the horses....  Not sure what is going on here...  Littlest and Biggest brothers....  Major, MaKenna, Cam and Jake  Downtown Estes stop...  At Caffe Collage.  Checking out the little river...  Downtown Estes Park  Major at Caffe Collage  MaKenna at Caffe Collage  Jake  Jeff  My attempt at a necklace.  It is really pretty too...but I didn't make it big enough for my MaKenna gets it!  Dinner with the Price's at their condo.  Walking along the river towards downtown.