Purex Fabric Softener Sheets Review and GIVEAWAY!!!

Purex Fabric Softener Sheets Review and Giveaway! I was given the opportunity to review Purex Fabric Softener Sheets! I have to say, when I was younger, and broker, I never used Softener Sheets because I felt like it was just a frivolous act. I didn't see the need. As long as my clothes were clean, I didn't feel I needed them. But as I got older and realized that #1....with boys in the house, my clothes need to be fresh. Simply washing them doesn't always give them the freshness I desire. My towels get this dingy smell even when I've washed them in my favorite Purex detergent. Also, in the winter here in the midwest, static electricity is bad. These Fabric Softener Sheets really help with that too. My clothes and towels are also so much softer and manageable. I hadn't found sheets that I REALLY liked, until these. I happen to really love the Mountain Breeze one. I've never been a big fan of Lavender...