Newsletter Review, is an online magazine and community founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work. This website is FULL of articles, interviews, devotionals, and inspirational stories—all specifically created to help you find God in your work, family, and culture. Our writers and bloggers tell engaging stories crafted to encourage you in the high calling of your daily work.

Honoring God in daily work is more than just evangelism. The work we do should be a testimony to our Creator. That is why it is so important to remember the high calling of our daily work.
This website also seems to be a safe place to ask difficult questions about work, leadership, culture, family, and faith. There are many other Christ followers who share different opinions, but who also could help you through a troubled time, or show you a different view.  So far, everyone seems to be very respectful in the comments section.
Here is what posted on their about page:
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Every day we publish new articles and Bible reflections to help you discover meaning and significance in your daily work. Browse our topic categories or run a search to find the content you need. Or register to receive notifications of new resources straight to your email inbox.
  • Daily Reflections—a short Bible study every day by scholar and theologian Mark D. Roberts. (Register and preview this resource in our sidebar.)
  • Weekly Calling—summary of best content from the previous week (Register and preview this resource in our sidebar.)
  • Quarterly Sermon Notes—each quarter, a new set of three outlines that can be adapted for sermons or bible classes.
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As you find meaningful posts, share the links with your friends via email, Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. If you’re a blogger, include links to The High Calling or to network bloggers in your own posts, as you have opportunity. When you find good writing in our network, let us know by posting a link to good articles on our Facebook page. is a program of the Foundations for Laity Renewal, founded by the H. E. Butt Foundation.

My Take:

This is the first opportunity I have had to review this website.  I had never even heard of it before.  I receive newsletter from quite a few different sources and I tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of e-mail/newsletters I receive.  However, this one seems to be special.  I don't work outside of the home, but there are plenty of articles for me to read and apply it to my daily work whether it be wiping snotty noses, doing dishes, or making dinner for a friend in need.  Anyway you look at it, it is work and it is done to glorify God.

I found that the articles maybe didn't ALL apply to me...but there is nobody standing by telling me I have to read each one of them either.  Pick what you want to read and read don't have to read all of the articles especially if it doesn't apply to you.  The other thing I like about the articles is they are short.  Short and Sweet I'll say!  I LOVE good articles....but I LOVE them even MORE when they don't take me over 5 minutes to read!  I am a busy person, though I love to be nurtured in Christ, I also don't want to lose interest because it is too long.  I absolutely loved the lengths of all of the articles!  Perfect!

So....give it a try!  Click the link above and have at it!  You won't be sorry that you did!

*I was asked to review the content of the newsletter by Handlebar.  The opinions in this post are all my own*


  1. Thanks for checking out The High Calling. We definitely aim to keep the articles short--primarily because we think short articles work better online for our audience.


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