Mobile Mom Magazine Review
Mobile Mom Magazine Review
If you read my blog on a regular basis, you will have seen a post for a Mobile Mom Magazine Giveaway. If you missed it, CLICK HERE. You still have a few days to get in on the giveaway, so DON'T miss out!!!!Here is my review from that post...with some added things since then as I've been able to look into the Magazine App a little deeper!
One other thing I would like to point out...I really like the format of it. I have it on my iPad. I can flip through the magazine like I would a book....but when I get to a story I want to read, I flip up through the story as opposed to side to side like a book. Does that make sense? Once I've flipped up through all of the pages of the story I am reading, I can start flipping side to side again picking me up right where I left off before I started reading the story. It is really neat. I've never seen anything like that before. Maybe I am just naive...but I don't read many magazines on my I thought it was pretty cool.
There are also advertisements and not just boring ones that you skip over...ones that actually catch your attention and are pertinent to mommies everywhere!
After further reflection on this magazine app, I would really appreciate anybody out there who is a mom to at least give it a looksie. Just look at it and try it out! What do you have to lose?
Don't forget to go to my other post and enter the incredible drawing for $100!!!
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