icaughtsanta review!


I have a GREAT deal for you!  Would you like your VERY own iCaughtSanta picture for FREE????  If you missed my first post about it, make sure you go back and read it HERE.

I did my photo tonight....and it came out pretty good.  I could have done a better job on the coloring, but I didn't have a lot of time to spend on it.  I think if I had tried a little longer I could have gotten it just right.  I know this because I've done this before and I HAVE gotten it just right in the past.  I will try to put the past pictures up as well!

This is their 5th anniversary....and because of that, they are giving away FREE Santa pictures until December 10th!  You have 5 more days!!  Make sure you run over there to icaughtsanta.com, do your picture and while you are there, enter their drawing for a free iPad Air, gift cards and all sorts of other things!  At the end, just enter promo code #santashare and it is yours FREE!!!

 The picture above is this years photo...I decided that Santa would be tired.  Here is a picture I did last year.

I opted to also do a Rudolph photo this year!!  Rudolph will give me away though if there is snow on the ground come Christmas time....but I just won't show the kids if there is!!  :-)  I'll save it until the year that we don't have snow!  If ever!  :-)  I do wish I would have made Rudolph bigger, but that is my error.

I would really encourage you to head on over and get yours while you can!  The process is totally quick and absolutely easy!  You will be happy you did.  As I said, I have done this in years past and the kids absolutely LOVE it!

Happy picture making!!!


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