Heartland Hope Mission

Heartland Hope Mission is:

 Providing food, clothing and promoting self-sufficiency for people in need.
Heartland Hope Mission is the largest food pantry in Nebraska. We provide a week's supply of groceries, along with hygiene products, clothing items, and household goods to the working poor. In addition, we assist clients by providing eligibility screenings,  referrals and SNAP (food stamp) applications.

Did You Know...

...Just $124 will feed a family of 4 breakfast, lunch and dinner for an entire month? Ask us about how you can help end hunger and put Love in Action!

Because You Gave 

34,084people received food pantries
129people received additional
food assistance
12,635sack lunches provided

That is over 520,000 meals

18,980people received clothing and / or household items
34,112personal hygiene products provided
23,661volunteer hours served

Check out a video HERE.

How can you help?  If you listen to Christian radio station KGBI here in Omaha, you may have heard them raising money and awareness for Heartland Hope Mission.  You can call in and donate with them, or go to their website http://heartlandhopemission.org, and donate directly there.  You can also call 402-733-1904 to donate.  To feed a family of 4 it only costs $124.  Give it some thought.  Have you ever been helped in time of need?  Now may be the time for you to give back.  Pay It Forward.


  1. I volunteered for the Missions phone drive today and raised enough money to provide for over 218 individuals. Our goal is to raise enough money to supply meals, for a month, to 1000 individuals. Every $ counts. If you are unable to donate the $ 124, please consider donating $62 for 2 people or $ 31 for 1 person. Thank you to all who have helped and will help. God Bless


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