$124 to Feed a Family of Four

Read the title on this again.  $124.  That’s a typical grocery bill for one week for a family of four.

But with our friends at Heartland Hope Mission they can feed a family of 4 for the entire month with your gift of $124.  Only $31 per person. 

This is good food.  Healthy.  Fruits, Vegetables, Meat.  More than you would expect. 

Click here and you can make a gift.  www.heartlandhopemission.org 

$31 for one person to have 3 meals per day for the entire month. 
$62 for two people to have 3 meals per day for the entire month.
$93 for three people to have 3 meals per day for the entire month. 
$124 for four people to have 3 meals per day for the entire month. 


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