Color Me Rad Review!

Color Me Rad!

What a FUN experience!  Color Me Rad was TRULY a ton of fun!

And VERY colorful!!  This last weekend I was blessed with two tickets to try it out and see what I thought.  I have done many 5K's before, but had NEVER done a COLOR Run of ANY sort....and actually, any type of run where people intentionally throw things at you like colored corn starch!

We were told to wear white from head to toe.  They do give you a shirt, but suggest that we save that for after the race.  So I found one of my husbands white tshirts, and raced with that and old white capris.  I had my friend Allyson with me, we also had a team with two more people Lori and Chet.  Here are Allyson and I BEFORE the race.

In our fun little Swag Bags, we got these cool tattoos!  I don't know why...but I put it on my wrist.  I should have put it on my neck or was fun!  The kids thought it was cool!

We got there at 9am as our "heat" was running at 9:15.  We found Lori and Chet (surprisingly...there were TONS of people there), and got in the HUGE line.  Apparently we weren't up front close enough for the 9:15 run, so we actually missed our "heat".  So we waited and waited and waited some more until we finally got close enough to go in the 9:30 "heat"....but there were some people that weren't able to race because they didn't get up there close enough, which, I thought was a little wrong.  However, I did hear later that they did let those people go with the final "heat" which we were in.

Allyson, Chet, Lori and I took off running....we ran for a good portion of it.  Lori and Chet ran the whole way...Allyson and I took breaks here and there and walked a bit, but it was still fun.  There were several stations set up where as you ran by, you would get blasted with color!  Of course, when we went through the starting line we were blasted immediately with color there too.  Each station had a different blasting color.  If they saw that you were still white ANYWHERE, you were blasted!  One of the last stations was colored water.  That was made the rest of our color look almost like tie dye!  At the end of the race, they handed out more color packets.  We were supposed to hang on to them for the after race celebration, but we all had to leave, so we just made sure that we each were plenty "colorfied"!

All the powder is, is colored cornstarch.  It didn't taste the best, but it also didn't stain.  Here is my van seat after I got home.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad.  I just had to wipe it off, I vacuumed some of it, and it was right off.  No problem at all.  Everything cleaned up really nicely.  Of course when I went to take a shower, there was powder all over the floor, so I did have to scrub the floor, but it came off easily.  The shower was very colorful too!  :-)

All in all we really had a great time!  It was an experience!  Next years I think my kids would enjoy it!!

*I was given free tickets to run and review the race, no compensation was given.*


  1. Such a fun race!! I forgot to bring towels and my car seats were covered too! haha


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