Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic

I was given the awesome opportunity by Waterbrook Press to read Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic.  Have you ever heard of Nick Vujicic?  You would know if you have.  Here are some pictures of him:

He has a face that is pretty much unforgettable, wouldn't you think?  When I was sent the book, I went on to youtube and watched several things on there about him, with him speaking, stories, him surfing, swimming...you name it.  This guys is amazing!  His book is just as amazing too!  I was pleasantly surprised with all of the things that I learned from him.  Sure it is all stuff that I knew before, or should have known...but he puts it in a whole new light given his lack of limbs.  He is extraordinary!  I can't even imagine living with no limbs.  The back of his book Unstoppable says this:

Being unstoppable is about believing and achieving.  It's about having faith in yourself, your talents and your purpose and, most of all, in God's great love and His divine plan for your life.

In this book he used his own stories and also stories and experiences of many other people.  He asks the question what is standing in your way?  Why not become unstoppable?  And then he answers the question of how you can become unstoppable.

I read this at a very hard time in my life where I was feeling sorry for myself...you know those little pity parties that sometime sprout out of our lives.  I was in a deep, dark one.  But, reading his book helped me start to climb my way out.  I still have an occasional pity party, but then I remember some of the things that he said in his book.  I remember the scripture that he reminded me of....I remember that God is molding me to become unstoppable.

I would encourage anyone to have this book handy...to read whenever, or to pick up when you are having your own pity party.  Even when you are not in a pity party...you will learn a lot to help you combat the next one you're in.

I give this book...and Nick Vujicic two thumbs up!!!

Be sure to go to Amazon and pick up his latest book too!!


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