New Purex Glitter Review


Why fit in when you
were BORN
to STAND OUT?!?!

Add a Sparkle to your Everyday Wardrobe!
  • Contains 100% natural glitter formula
  • No additives or harmful chemicals
  • Packs the power of Purex® DirtLift Action
Purex® thinks you’re special and wants to help you stand out from the crowd with our fabulous new detergent, Purex® Glitter. 

Finally, Purex® delivers
a new way to display your individuality with glitz and glam.

Purex® Glitter detergent contains 100% natural glitter that embeds into your clothes. Use Purex® Glitter detergent and your laundry will come out of the wash sparkling like a stained-glass window in the bright, golden sun!

While Purex® Glitter detergent guarantees to leave your clothes looking as glamorous as a pair of diamond earrings, you can rest assured that this unique detergent will leave no mess. Any glitter that does not leave the wash with your clothes is flushed out during the spin cycle.

Like other Purex® detergents, Purex® Glitter is optimized to perform in high efficiency or traditional washing machines, and costs half the price of the leading brand. 

I know I say this a lot...but I gotta be first I was skeptical...and honestly thought it was a horrible idea....but then I washed a couple of things of my daughters and she was enamored with the bling!!!!!  Now a days, kids...GIRLS...LOVE BLING!!  And this Purex Glitter brings out the BLING in any clothing you would like!!  :-)

Clothes STILL come out smelling clean and fresh, NO difference in the cleaning ability...just an added bonus of GLITTER when they are done!

I am looking forward to Prom someday so I can bling up my daughters dress!!!!

“Purex® provided me with a sample of Purex® Glitter detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.” 


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