Time Island Review

I was asked to review a fun and engaging virtual world called "Surviving Time Island.".   
Time Island is a virtual world where you can learn how to survive, play cool games, meet kids from all around the world, develop your own hut and create tribes with your new island friends!  It is a lot like E-Pets, or Webkins...just with an older twist.  You can earn points to buy things with, and you have to make sure you feed yourself, get enough rest, etc.  Time Island is a place of wonder and adventure. Your survival skills will be put to the test as you explore white beaches and lush jungles; tree-top terraces and dark underground caverns.

You will have to outsmart, out maneuver and outlast the troublesome green creatures that inhabit the island, known as the Goggs.
Meanwhile, it’s a good idea to stick together so you and your friends can create and join a tribe. Survival is always easier when you’re not alone. To survive you must also care for your cleanliness and hygiene, and keep your avatar well fed.
Most importantly, keep your eyes open and your wits about you. Around any bush and behind any rock, even in the giant trees and hidden in the darkest corners of the caves, you will discover countless games and activities.  Talk to your friends, or make new friends!  A great virtual, fun world for most ages!!
To survive on Time Island is a challenge, but the fun is even greater!

If you are interested in registering to play, here is a great youtube video to help with the process.

Are you interested in finding out more?  Go here.
Here is a training center to help!


I registered myself and tried it out with out first reading the instructions.  It was difficult to figure out how to move without having first read the instructions.  If I had read the instructions I would have had no problem at all.  So...read the instructions!  :-)  I had a moment where I acted like a man apparently!  :-)  Anyway, I enjoyed it once I started going. 

I then introduced it to my 12, 10 and 6 year old.  The 12 year old liked it, said it was cool, but would rather play one of his dragon games.  The 10 year old thought it was GREAT!  He really enjoyed it!  The 6 year old would have enjoyed it more if there were animals to play with!  :-)  So, I think it could be fun for any age....but probably more so around the 10 year mark. 

It was clean fun though, which is something I am always looking for.

*I recieved no compensation for this post, I was given opportunity to try the product and sent some materials to help promote it...all of the opinions in this post are mine and mine alone.*


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