Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover Gel Review and Giveaway!!

Make Surfaces Happy!!!!!!!!

A new, more gentle solution to mold and mildew stains.

*No harsh fumes or overspray
*Spray gel that clings to stains
*Cleans tile, grout, tubs and showers

New Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover is a unique spray gel that is tough on stains, and gentle on surfaces.

Unlike other spray bleach cleaners that produce a fine mist of bleach vapors, Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover is a thick gel that clings to bathroom surfaces to penetrate and remove tough stains without harsh fumes or overspray.

Grout got you down?  this stain remover is perfect for cleaning tile, grout, tubs and showers, along with many other surfaces in your bathroom.  Whether you are doing a quick spot cleaning or a top-to-bottom cleaning session, this is the product for you.

At Soft Scrub, we know that you take pride in a job well done.  Make Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover part of your solution to attain an uncompromised clean.


WOW!  I have tried Soft Scrub products before and I liked them....they were good....but I can't say that they were much different then the other brands I used.  Until now.  I REALLY liked this Mold and Mildew Stain Remover.  It was fantastic!  It did the job like a champ.  Even on hard to get out stains that I have been unable to get out for months!!  This will from now on, be a must have in my house at all times!  Be sure to like their Facebook page at!  You never know when they'll run a promotion that could benefit you!!  Make sure to scroll down for the giveaway!

*Disclosure: The Soft Scrub brand provided me with a sample of their NEW Soft Scrub Mold and Mildew Stain Remover in exchange for a product review.  However all the opinions expressed here are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!!

  2. Thank you for the cool giveaway :)

  3. I would with pleasure try this product as I have a problem with the mold in the bathroom at our flat. Although we have a good ventilation in the bathroom and we always leave the window open, there is still mold appearing on the tiles and on the silicon. I am fine with removing the mold on the tiles, but have a problem removing it from the silicon.


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