The Radical Question and A Radical Idea Book Review

Earlier this fall, I got the opportunity to review a David Platt book called The Radical Question, A Radical Idea.  Two books in one!  Can't get better than that!  David Platt is the best-selling author of the book Radical.

What is Jesus worth to you?  

Do you believe that Jesus is worth abandoning everything for?"

In Radical, David Platt invites you to encounter what Jesus actually said about being his disciple, and then obey what you have heard. He challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences. With passionate storytelling and convicting biblical analysis, Platt calls into question a host of comfortable notions that are common among Christ's followers today. Then he proposes a radical response: live the gospel in ways that are true, filled with promise, and ultimately world changing.
My Take:
This was a very fast reading book, but there is a lot of meat in between those pages!!  It is a very convicting book!  One I needed to read, and one I think we all need to read.  This book shows us that the church isn't built on locations, elaborate shows, professionals, etc...but on its people.  Platt relays to us that those people in the seats at the church are the ones that are meant to be active in spreading Gods Word, because when normal, every day people get involved in normal, every day ministry, those communities and the church families will change dramatically and positively.  David Platt says, "The goal of the church is never for one person to be equipped and empowered to lead as many people as possible to Christ.  The goal is always for all of God's people to be equipped and empowered to lead as many people as possible to Christ."

I really found this book to be convicting.  Since going on missions trips the last few years, I had already been convicted....but this was the icing on the cake.  Why DO we make multi-million dollar churches in the states when that much money could make hundreds if not thousands of churches in other countries  who are in need of Christ.  I am a bit torn though...because in our culture fancy is what attracts others.  So, if we have a shabby church, how many unbelievers will step foot in it.  However, how can we spend so much money on a simple building?  It is really tough for me to take in.  Platt just really makes us take ownership of our money and how we are spending it.  This book also helps us to look at more than just the financial realm of things.  How about us?  Are we just going to church....because we want to learn...that is GREAT....but is that it?  Or are we not only going to church to learn, but also to help teach lead others to church and to God???  That is THE MOST important thing for us to do as followers of Christ.  We are commissioned to lead others to Him and spread the Gospel.  

I would HIGHLY suggest this book to anyone who is ready to make a change in how they do things within and outside of the church.  This is a great book especially for leaders of the church.   Check it out at

About the Author:
David Platt is pastor of the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, and author of the New York Times bestsellers Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream and Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God. A well-known Bible expositor, David holds three advanced degrees, including a doctorate from New Orleans Baptist Theology Seminary. He and his wife, Heather, live in Birmingham with their children.

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."


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