Huggies MomInspired Grant Program

Maria Bailey of MomSelect has a passion for helping moms build their business. For the last 3 years, she's been working with Huggies to create a program that empowers mom business owners with the money and information they need to build their businesses. Maria's first success was talking Huggies into launching the Huggies MomInspired grant program,, which awards $15,000 grants to mom inventors.

In 2010, The Huggies brand introduced its MomInspired grant program, providing inventive moms with the resources and seed capital they need to help transform viable product ideas into successful new businesses, or take their businesses to the next level. In its inaugural round of submissions, the program solicited almost 400 applications and awarded $15,000 each to 12 inspired moms to help fund their business startups based on innovative baby or child care products inspired by motherhood. Grant-worthy examples include:

o Allyson Phillips - TILTY CUP
o Amy Baxter, Buzzy Pain Relief
o Michelle Staley, Busy

Round two of grant submissions is currently open through June 30, 2011 at Twelve inspired moms will be awarded $15,000 each in the Fall of 2011, to turn their original, viable child care product ideas into a reality, or progress their already established small businesses - original, innovative and viable new business and product ideas designed to help make life easier for parents. Visit for more information on the grant program, eligibility requirements and details on the first round of grant recipients.

I know that there are lots of moms out there who can definitely use the grant money, but may not know about the program yet. YOU COULD BE THE NEXT BIG THING!!!!!!!


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