Online learning...the iGeneration...

Today's students, known as the "iGeneration", are the first to crave and benefit from education "on demand" - or the option to choose where, when and how they want to learn.

To put it in context, the "iGeneration" has never known life without the Internet, being mobile, using avatars, IMing or choosing and watching content whether they are at home, in the car, at a football game or shopping at the mall. To reach them in their high-tech, high-touch world, many parents and educators are looking at how to rewire schools to match how the iGeneration learns.

Taking classes online is one way to give middle and high school students (and their school districts) new options to learn using preferred tools in a familiar environment, and even experience enhanced, one-on-one relationships with educators. Whether they're in need of more assistance, looking for wider range of classes or simply prefer to learn in a medium that they have grown up with, online learning can be a great way to fit your child's needs.

Students are increasingly able to take online classes in partnership with their local school districts. Schools facing budget cuts and a reduction in teachers are turning to online classes to supplement their curriculum, from offering classes for which they have no teachers, Advanced Placement® classes for students who excel, and credit recovery options for students who struggle. In fact, today there are 1 million children learning online, either part time, full time or between school terms. Additionally, more than 20 percent of schools and educational institutions around the country offer online classes today, and that number should grow by another 30 percent within a couple of years, according to industry research. (Simba Information).

View a Demonstration Video

We have provided a demonstration where you can view the tools and technologies online students use to engage with their teachers and classmates. Click on the following link to experience how students engage with their teachers and classmates online, in a recorded session where students from around the country come together outside of class to discuss the results of the "iGeneration" survey with their teacher and hear their insights.

Also, to experience the robust curriculum offered by online learning, click on the following link - Once there, select the green button that says "view multi-media demo." When the demo loads, select media-rich curriculum to experience how online learning is effectively teaching today's iGeneration.

Online Learning Successes

Chicago Public Schools
Online learning is well suited for various learning styles and helps those who've fallen behind. More than 1,000 Chicago Public School (CPS) students who were at risk of not graduating from high school have received their diplomas this month with the rest of the CPS Class of 2010 after earning the credits needed to graduate through an innovative virtual learning program at 75 schools across CPS.

Military Family
Karl, a child of a military family, moved numerous times throughout his high school years, but wanted a consistent education experience. With online learning, Karl had the chance to excel at his studies and even graduated early with a 4.0 grade average. Karl embraced the independence and self-mastery that online learning fostered.

The Star Athlete
Isadora, a star tennis player, was struggling with the best way to juggle her demanding tournament schedule with a good education. Her parents enrolled her in online learning as a supplement to her local high school, so she was able to get in her two to three hours a day of tennis training - and stay ahead academically.

We hope you are as impressed with as we are, and we appreciate your support of this program.


Online Learning
Student Survey
A recent survey found that compared to traditional learning environments, online learning is proving to be an effective way in teaching today's "iGeneration" who live in a world of customized and instant feedback. Here are highlights from the survey:

72% of online students spend three or more hours on homework per week vs. 56% of students in traditional schooling.

54% of online students get more challenges when they are doing well in school vs. 49% of students in traditional schooling.

58% of online students get more help when they fall behind vs. 40% of students in traditional schooling.

Online students have more interest in attending a four year college after graduation than students in traditional schooling. 78% vs. 67%


After looking through the info they gave me, it sounds like a great opportunity. I finished my degree online and so I know that online learning can be very beneficial under special circumstances. When I homeschooled, one year, because of my pregnancy with MaKenna, I used online learning for one of my worked great! So...I totally believe in this. HOWEVER, I DO worry that if it spreads like wildfire, the class environment will be eliminated, and all the fun, friendships, etc, that go along with that will also be eliminated. On the flip side, the world is run with computers, and the earlier we can teach our children to use them and know them, the better....but I just wish that computers wouldn't take the place of other important things. I do believe that this online learning is definitely a wonderful thing, for people with special circumstances.

Check out the links yourself and make your own opinion. I think that if you are going to have online learning in the household, this is the group to go with. They seem to be phenomonal at what they do.

What do YOU think???

Thanks to them for allowing me to review their site and learn more about them!


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