Rick Springfield, Eddie Money and Little River Band Concert Review

The night of this concert, I was unable to go because I was leaving the next morning at 4am for a missions trip to the Dominican Republic.  I just didn't see how I could go it and get any sleep.  So, I asked my sister to go in my place.  I also asked the winner of my giveaway to send me a recap of the concert so that I could share it with you all.  So here it is!  Sorry it is late...I've been out of the country...then in Virginia in school for the last 3 weeks!

From my winner:

Well the facility was nice, and will call was easy, although we were a bit early, so had no crowd at that time.The seating was comfortable but we were located on the side which required us to look sideways the entire concert. The acoustics were poor, or else just the sound system they were using was inferior, because the music was way too loud and voices got lost, making lyrics difficult to hear.  Although Rick Springfield was the superior performer and didn't stop moving the entire time he was on stage, the Little River Band was the most enjoyable musically, and Eddie Money was embarrassing. He appeared to be drunk, or high. It was sad to watch. 
All in all, the best I could say, is that it was interesting, but I wouldn't repeat it, and would think twice about attending another musical performance in that particular arena.

From my sister:

The evening started with The Little River Band.  They did a nice job - were very enthusiastic and sang great.  Even though I didn't know all of their songs, I did recognize their more popular ones.  They sang great and got the crowd pumped up.

Eddie Money was up next.  All I can say was he was loud, hard to understand and I didn't think it was a great show.  Others seemed to be enjoying it, but if he was the last band, I would have left!

Rick Springfield, the main reason I came, was amazing!  What energy for a 64 year old man.  And quite cute, too, I might add. That man can sing and put on a show.  He sang several songs in a row without stopping to take a breath.  It was amazing - not sure how he did it.  Then, he came off of the stage and was walking on all of the folding chairs, grabbing people's hands as he walked (he did that to the song "Human Touch").  He touched them and they certainly touched him.  He even walked up into the stadium seats as well so it wasn't just the people on the floor that got to enjoy a little Rick touch!

Then, at the end of the song, he got back up on stage and asked a 12 year old boy to join him.  It was so cool.  He and the boy sang together.  I almost cried - how cool is that!!!!!!

He played for nearly 2 hours!  It was amazing.  Of course, his finale was "Jesse's Girl" and it was great.  Rick certainly ended the night on a high note (even despite the disappointing Eddie Money).

I would go back to a Rick Springfield concert again anytime!


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