The Scent of Cherry Blossoms by Cindy Woodsmall

I recently had the extraordinary honor of reviewing "The Scent of Cherry Blossoms" by Cindy Woodsmall.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading all of her books yet, but I have read several, and I can tell you that Cindy Woodsmall never disappoints me.  She is amazing in her writing.  The Scent of Cherry Blossoms is a book about love and the challenges some of us have to face for love....similar to the challenges that Jesus had to face for the love he had for us.  The author is very good about slipping in messages to us about God's goodness and love, while giving us an incredible story.  This book was one that cannot be put down.  I finished it in two nights of reading before bed.  This story is one of love, challenges and overcoming those challenges...and not always in love.  This particular story had overcoming some physical challenges too.  It is also very informative.  Cindy Woodsmall is meticulous with her facts about the Amish and the Mennonite.  My dad and his family are all Mennonites, so it is good to know that their religion is not being misrepresented.  Read this book!  You won't be disappointed!!!!  Check out the first chapter here!

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."


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