Give Back

The cool thing about this social media task is that the more you share using your GiveBack personalized link, not only could you win the O2O prize of $1000 for your GiveBack account and a $100 Mission Skincare certificate for yourself but you're also actually building your own Impact Points and you could win $50,000 from GiveBack to give to charity. We call that a serious win-win. (Wouldn't it just be so amazing to give that much money away to your favorite charity!!)
There are a number of ways you can get involved in the GiveBack 100 Days of Giving campaign using Social Media:

1. Just sign up for a GiveBack account. (It's free and you can even join via Facebook which is super quick and easy.) Sign up under my URL,
2. Then, share via Twitter or Facebook BUT we suggest either doing it through your GiveBack site home page OR at least making sure you include your personalized link in your post. (The reason for this is so that you can also build your Impact Points.)
If you don't want to share via the GiveBack site, you may want to consider shortening the URL of your personalized link.

For example, Barbara's personal GiveBack link is:

If she uses a URL shortener like for example, the url is shortened to be:

This way you leave more space for writing your Tweet or Facebook post and the link takes up less characters.

Example Tweets or posts:
Check out @mygiveback 100 Days of Giving! You might win up to $50,000 to donate to charity (INSERT YOUR GIVEBACK PERSONAL URL HERE)

Did you hear that for 100 days @mygiveback is giving away $1k per day to a lucky GiveBack member to give to charity? (INSERT YOUR GIVEBACK PERSONAL URL HERE)

Pls help me build my Impact Points so I can win $50k to give away to charity through @mygiveback. (INSERT YOUR GIVEBACK PERSONAL URL HERE)

Please Note: No need to overdo it. We suggest no more than 3 tweets within a 24 hour time period. Your followers will appreciate moderation :-)

3. Email your friends and family about GiveBack and don't forget to include your personalized GiveBack link.

* I did not receive compensation for this post. I was put into a drawing however, and I also benefit from the Give Back program just as you will *


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