Purex Complete with Zout Triple Enzyme Stain Remover Review
As a Purex Insider, I got the opportunity to review their newest product, Purex Complete with Zout Triple Enzyme Stain Remover ! This product combines the perfomrance of Purex detergent with the triple enzyme stain fighting power of Zout stain remover! It has three powerful stain fighting enzymes...Protease, Amylase and Mannanase. These enzymes work against blood, grasss, chocolate, tomato sauce, guar, etc. POWERFUL stuff! It can be used as a pre-treater and/or a detergent....for normal wash loads, and really tough stains. It comes in two fragrances, Fresh Morning Burst (this is the one that was sent to me and that I sampled), and Free and Clear. This product costs far less than the leading brand of liquid detergent. It is priced from $3.49 to 7.99 depending on the size and the retailer. It is at select retailers now, but by the end of March it will be availabe nationwide in stores like Walmart, Target, Kroger and Publix. If you go to http://www.freesamplepurex.com/ you can prove it t...